Monday, April 14, 2014

Fruits may be Your Best Choice to be Fit

There is no one who does not want to be fit. All the people want to be slim, sweet and handsome or
Banana Girl
moreover that all want to be smart. Some people join to gym and some are dieting, this is all for the fitness.
But now her we are going to tell you such a lady who eats banana at least 51 per day. She eats banana for nearly 7 years but she looks healthy and so slim. She is also known as "Height Master" and " Freely the Banana Girl". She promotes in Youtube and any other social for dieting by eating Vegetable. She says all to eat fruits mostly. She is a mother of 2 children. Even in her pregnancy, she had not eat any other meals except fruits.
Freely Banana Girl

In those photos you can see how she looks and how much pretty she is.
She eats only fruit for 7 years

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