Monday, April 14, 2014

A Very Good Happening In Social Media

Insta gram (A photo sharing social media)
This is the world of technology. In this modern technology, there has been some most wonder happening. But now we are going to tell you an amazing and beautiful story but the facts happening in the social meadia,
Insta gram. the two sisters met each other who havenot connected eachother for 18 years.
One sister Nia Edwards who is 23 years old had not seen her sister who is 42 years old fpr 18 years. She had tried to find her some social media such as facebook and myspace. After being unable to find in those media, she tried in the instagram which is a photo sharing site. Afterall they reunited about two weeks ago.

When Nia got Brenda's account, she asked her about herself. When Brenda said she is a daughter of Milton Edward and she never saw her sister form 18 years. They knew each other.

To say that social networks have various disadvantages but some of the very good and nostalgic happening make us to forget all other disadvantages.

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