Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Global warming direct affects the Great Himalaya Region (Nepal):-

Direct effect of global warming in Nepal
The Great Himalaya is the great mountain range of the world, is located in the northern region of Nepal and also China, Pakistan and India. There are 14 mountains which altitude is greater than 8000 m, among them 8 are in Nepal. The highest and second highest both also lies in the great Himalaya range. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world which is located in the god gift country Nepal and K2 Godwin is the second highest which is in the country Pakistan.

December, January and February is the best months for seeing snow falls in this region and in the all seasons, there has been seen snowy hills and mountain. Glacier is the most fascinating things of the Himalaya range. Glacier is a kind of river in which the pieces of snow flows.

In the context of Nepal and all Himalaya, the global warming becomes the big issue that has been directly affecting the climates of the Himalayan range. Not only in the Himalayan ranges but also in the whole world global warming should be a concerned subject. It directly affected our Mount Everest region. You can see how it has been affecting our highest peak. Almost a decade ago, most of the parts of Everest region was wore by the snow and only snow but now most parts are dismantling. It all is the causes of global warming.

Global warming is the changes of climates and weather unnecessarily and suddenly by which the habitats of living beings and the face of nature might be changed. Then, it also might be a cause of rarity of the natural things and living beings.

According to the residents of northern Nepal, almost a decade ago, there was snow all mountains of the Everest region, Kanchenjunga region, Dhaulagiri region, even almost all the northern region but today they often see there black rock mountain. They also say that the glacier is also digging down.

It is also said that the imaginary YETI is lived in the northern Nepal. People who had trekked there they say that they saw this thing. If they live there, they will be also in the big trouble.

Global warming not only affects the climates but also changes all the nature related things. Scientists have found that the Antarctica continent is melting slowly. Antarctica is the coldest continent where nobody lives because of the coldest climate.

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