Wednesday, February 19, 2014

25% American don't know?

25% American don't know that the Earth revolves the Sun 

The Earth Revolves the Sun
How many of you do know that the earth moves round the sun? May be now you thinks that I am going to fool all of you asking such kind of common question.
Yes, do you believe? They are unaware about such kind of common questions. They are almost 25% of citizens of America do not know the answer of this question. They are super citizens of the most powerful country but they do not know about such thing.
A survey generated by the National Science
Foundation of America has found that 25% of American do not know the most general knowledge.
AFP news agency reports that nearly among the 2002 people, only ¼ people knew the right answer and moreover that almost 50% of participator even did not know that the ancestor of the human was also animal.
According to European Union- Only 66% of people of the Europe have given the right answer of such question

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Two years young baby in wonderful skating

two years baby skating
Do you believe that 2 years baby can skate? This is an unbelievable and funny also but it is truth. A baby, Kalisz Tone Kelly of Australia has amazed the world by skating. He does not only skate but also does stunt like the experience skaters.
His parent says that he used to play skating when he was only six months old. With help of his father, he stunts hubs and curbs slides. You can find his video on youtube. Millions of people have seen his video on youtube.

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